Sunday 9 February 2014

TASK 1d: 2d images

A lot of these pictures are action shots, so I apologise for the quality of some of them. As this only relates to one portion of my work I would like to upload some more pictures at a later date, however as that would involve my work with children I will need to get written consent from each parent before I do this, so I thought it best to upload my work with the college students separately.


  1. Yes like these - they give a good feeling of the classroom environment - have to ask... permission from photographer or folks in class?

    1. Thanks Paula, I asked the college were I work for permission and also the students but I think with regards to the children I letter with the parents sign would be more appropriate. The company asks all parents to sign a deceleration when they start allowing us to use images and videos for advertising purposes but as this is for my studies I thought it best to ask separately. I am aware of some of the parents have not permitted the company to use their child's image, so I will be sending the letters out when we return after half term.

  2. Hi Della, your photos look great.You apologise for the action shots but I think it gives a great impression of the lesson! I also teach younger students and so had to go through a longer process in order to add some to an Instagram for this 1d task. My was a little easier to get around; the principal of one of the stage schools where I work had previously contacted all of the parents of the children to ask their permission before she took some photos for the schools Facebook page. I then has to ask HER permission as she was the one who had taken the photos in order for me to be able to use them. On Instagram you are also able to edit the photos in a certain way so that the whole image can 'blur'. Rather handy when the photographs are of young children and so I added this effect as an extra ethical precaution, despite obtaining parents permission.
    Pip :)
